Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Perry the Platypus

Henry asked to be Perry the Platypus from Disney's Phineas & Ferb this Halloween. I thought, "heck, if it is a Disney thing, there is bound to be a costume to buy." WRONG!!! No Perry costume. So I made one. Yards and yards of felt, a ducknose (for the duckbilled platypus) found online, a tail made using a bent wire coat hanger as a frame, covered with batting and, yes, more felt, a straw hat that belonged to Grandpa Gerry (Perry, in his secret life, is a secret agent). Finally, orange feet that went over shoes using hook and loop fasteners. Somehow the thing held together for two days and nights of Halloween festivities. Whew!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Fitness Basics

On Sunday, October 25, Henry and I participated in a fun interactive workshop sponsored by NAA-NY Metro. Eric Chessen, who teaches fitness basics to children on the spectrum and teaches others who work with special needs kids how to teach them fitness basics and why the basics are so important, led the workshop. Henry had a great time with Eric and the volunteers. He even got to see his developmental pediatrician whom he has not seen in a long time (Hi Dr. Mark!) It was a spectacular fall day and a great chance for parents and kids to be engaged in a fun learning event. I blogged about it in more detail on NAA-NY Metro's blog.