I believe that this book should be required reading for anyone whose life is affected by autism. In one volume, Ken and Tony have brought together mainstream and alternative treatments, long-standing protocols and cutting edge therapies. I have never seen such a comprehensive book, presenting so many different options in one place and the information, succinctly presented, to allow parents to make informed decisions about treatments they would like to explore further. There truly is something for everyone in their book and, even for an old-timer like myself, some new things to learn.
Even with respect to "traditional" therapies, such as speech therapy, the chapter's authors address innovations in their field and offer practical advice to parents (disclosure: Lavinia Pereira, one of the chapter authors, has treated my son). Each chapter is authored by someone with particular knowledge of the chapter's subject - the specialists discussing their areas of expertise, rather than a generalist trying to take it all on.
I appreciate that the book is organized into small, self-contained chapters so that a busy parent can can pick up the book, soak up a chapter or two, and easily come back to it later. This book is a real gift to the autism community and, in that spirit, a portion of the proceeds are being donated to AutismOne.
Isn't the cover terrific too - a little boy uplifted by his dad and reaching for the sky -- just what we want for all our children. . . what wonderful imagery!
The book is available online from B&N and Amazon and other booksellers . . . I encourage you to read the book and post a review online as well (I did!)