Sunday, November 15, 2009

NAC: Dr. Russell Blaylock on Immunoexcitotoxicity

Dr. Russell Blaylock ( gave a terrific scientific presentation on immunoexcitotoxicity. Dr. Blaylock's lecture was looking beyond the symptoms our children have to what he believes is a central mechanism. He spoke about the role of glutamate - which is necessary for brain development but which in excess (or released at the wrong time) is highly toxic. Excitotoxicity is the presence of too much glutamate. He discussed the role of zinc and magnesium as protective in this process and how low magnesium may be linked to seizures, autism and ADHD. Moreover, the protective glutamate transport proteins/enzymes may be damaged by, among other things, mercury and aluminum.

Dr. Blaylock discussed early brain formation and the proper migration of brain neurons and the role of glutamate rising and falling (along with IL-1) at the right times. The brain, when formed properly, first forms too many coonections that then need to be pruned and refined by an increase in glutamate and IL-1. From birth to 2 years old, there is extensive dendritic and pathway formation, so you don't want to mess with glutamate or the immune system during this period.

He then discussed immune dysfunction. He discussed chronic activation of microglia - the immune cells of the brain - or hyperactivation of those cells, which should shut down after infection (or after they have repaired damage from infection). The greatest damage in autism is often seen in the cerebellum (and prefrontal cortex and limbic system). He discussed microglial priming - you have the first hit (be it prenatal or post -- it may be vaccine or illness, for example) and then when the next hit or hits come, there is an over-reaction and over secretion of glutamate and excitatory cytokines. Infection can also activate microglia, as can metals, including mercury and aluminum. Dr. Blaylock discussed that ionic mercury is the most toxic and most difflicult to remove from the brain. 34% of ethyl mercury (the kind in thimerosal) converts to ionic mercury in the brain while only 7% of methyl mercury (the kind in fish, for example) is converted to ionic mercury in the brain. Aluminum is absorbed in many organs, including the brain and it is cummulative. It keeps microglia active which leads to excitotoxicity and immune system activation.
Further, many other ingredients in vaccines can activate microglial cells. Glutamate reuptake also is suppressed which leads to further excitatory activity. Food intolerance is a sign of systemic and brain immune system dysfunction.

He also discussed astrocytes, which monitor what is going on in the brain. Mercury accululates in astrocytes and mitochondria. If the astrocytes cannot monitor, this leads to further trouble.

Finally, he discussed dietary and supplement treatment to help with immunoexcitotoxicity.

This was an extremely complex lecture and my synopsis cannot begin to cover it all. Moreover, as with all my notes here - any error is my own...


  1. I was there, too. He was simply amazing. I always knew that the AAP didn't want to hear from anyone who disagreed with them, but to ignore such wonderful and scientific evidence from this man is insane.

  2. I think my brain exploded at this lecture!
